Al Gore and the Internet

June 27th, 2010 Permalink

A woman accused Al Gore of assaulting her. She said that she didn’t go to the police right away, because she didn’t know what the crime was called (sexual assault). She had to go on the Internet to look it up. Does Al Gore regret inventing the Internet?

A woman accused Al Gore of assaulting her. She said that she didn’t go to the police right away, because she didn’t know what the crime was called (sexual assault). She had to go on the Internet to look it up. Does Al Gore regret inventing the Internet?

Constitutional Health Care Reform

March 31st, 2010 Permalink

Some Republicans argue that the recently signed health care reform package is unconstitutional. This strikes me as a dangerous argument. Suppose Republicans succeed. Suppose that the Supreme Court starts striking down all health plans — both Democratic and Republican plans. That would render the problem unsolvable. There are 45 million uninsured and that problem has […]

Some Republicans argue that the recently signed health care reform package is unconstitutional. This strikes me as a dangerous argument. Suppose Republicans succeed. Suppose that the Supreme Court starts striking down all health plans — both Democratic and Republican plans. That would render the problem unsolvable. There are 45 million uninsured and that problem has to be addressed. We can’t just go around striking down all health plans and rendering the problem unsolvable.

45,000 people a year die due to lack of health coverage. Thousands go bankrupt. As costs and unemployment go up, more and more companies are going to drop health coverage for their employees. Thus far, Republicans are proposing tiny solutions that will insure very few additional people. Tort reform would be good, but that won’t solve all of our problems.

Mitt Romney has signed more substantial legislation in Massachusetts, but on the national front, he has fallen in line with other Republicans. I don’t know why — maybe he is planning to run for President again.

Dragon Sized Hole

March 31st, 2010 Permalink

Is there a dragon sized hole in every man? In the past, I have heard the question “Is there a God sized hole in every man?” The question implies that people have an innate natural desire to believe in God. There is also an interest in dragons. There are both European and Chinese legends about […]

Is there a dragon sized hole in every man? In the past, I have heard the question “Is there a God sized hole in every man?” The question implies that people have an innate natural desire to believe in God. There is also an interest in dragons. There are both European and Chinese legends about dragons. There were dragon like creatures in Avatar. The top movie now is “How to Train Your Dragon.”

Is there an innate human desire to dream about dragons and want to believe that they exist?

I believe that some images are stored in our DNA. In particular, what most people are sexually attracted to is an image stored in DNA (in my opinion). That would be a case where one image is turned on and the other turned off. What you are attracted to changes over time based on what you are successful with. Attractive animals like tigers and wolves are most likely inherited images as well.

Dragon images are most likely not in our DNA, but they could be. Some of our ancestors were 3 feet tall (1 meter) and to them some birds would be quite large. A dragon could be the merging of two beasts — eagle and crocodile. In the very distant past, our ancestors had to contend with pterodactyls. I don’t believe that images can persist that long in DNA, but it’s possible.

Picking Phone

March 23rd, 2010 Permalink

The phone rang while I was picking my nose. I cut myself with my fingernail. There was quite a bit of blood. Just one of many things that makes me feel stupid. Fortunately, it was somebody I could hang up on.

The phone rang while I was picking my nose. I cut myself with my fingernail. There was quite a bit of blood. Just one of many things that makes me feel stupid. Fortunately, it was somebody I could hang up on.

Open Mike Tuesday

March 20th, 2010 Permalink

Somebody got on the intercom at Walmart and asked all black people to leave. What he did was wrong. What if a store competing against Walmart announced open mike Tuesday where anybody could make weird announcements? People might end up going there just to hear strange stuff.

Somebody got on the intercom at Walmart and asked all black people to leave. What he did was wrong. What if a store competing against Walmart announced open mike Tuesday where anybody could make weird announcements? People might end up going there just to hear strange stuff.

Green Stuff

March 18th, 2010 Permalink

Ah, now comes the day after Saint Patrick’s day. After all the green beer and green food coloring comes the green turd.

Ah, now comes the day after Saint Patrick’s day. After all the green beer and green food coloring comes the green turd.

Green Eggs and Ham

March 17th, 2010 Permalink

If your waiter asks if you want red wine or white wine, tell him “Neither. I’ll have green wine.” There is only one day a year when you can get away with it. Posted on March 17, 2010 (Saint Patrick’s Day)

If your waiter asks if you want red wine or white wine, tell him “Neither. I’ll have green wine.” There is only one day a year when you can get away with it.

Posted on March 17, 2010 (Saint Patrick’s Day)

Late H1N1 Vaccine

March 14th, 2010 Permalink

I saw this billboard today and thought that it is a bit out of date. If you haven’t received your H1N1 vaccine yet, you probably aren’t going to get it.

H1N1 Vaccine Late

I saw this billboard today and thought that it is a bit out of date. If you haven’t received your H1N1 vaccine yet, you probably aren’t going to get it.

Silly Roomba

March 8th, 2010 Permalink

I came home from work and my Roomba was missing. I looked in all the rooms. I looked under the bed and it wasn’t there. I found it in the closet. It apparently hit the door once to open it and hit the door again to close it. Silly Roomba.

I came home from work and my Roomba was missing. I looked in all the rooms. I looked under the bed and it wasn’t there. I found it in the closet. It apparently hit the door once to open it and hit the door again to close it. Silly Roomba.

Killing Killer Whales

February 26th, 2010 Permalink

I think that they should kill the killer whale Tilikum should be killed. I think that bears, sharks, and alligators that kill people should be killed. I would apply the same standard to whales. You don’t want to release it into the wild, because it might kill or train other whales to kill humans. Most […]

I think that they should kill the killer whale Tilikum should be killed. I think that bears, sharks, and alligators that kill people should be killed. I would apply the same standard to whales. You don’t want to release it into the wild, because it might kill or train other whales to kill humans. Most animals don’t kill humans for a reason and that reason is that we’re kind of mean. We need to maintain that meanness to keep animals in their place.

Keeping Tilikum caged for life is OK, but it should not be allowed to breed. He already has more than a dozen kids which is enough. Whales are expensive and if Sea World is willing to foot the bill, they can keep it caged. There are laws against killing whales, so my advice can’t be followed unless laws are changed.

In the case of sharks, they should go after a killer shark immediately, because sharks are mobile and if you fart around, you won’t find it.