Mr Disaster

February 5th, 2010 Permalink

I’m not evil, so I would never tell a lie like this, but it might be cool if someone did. The following is a fictitious conversation between a reporter and an American tourist in Haiti Reporter: Is this the most scared you have ever been? Tourist: No, I was in Indonesia when the big tsunami […]

I’m not evil, so I would never tell a lie like this, but it might be cool if someone did. The following is a fictitious conversation between a reporter and an American tourist in Haiti

Is this the most scared you have ever been?

No, I was in Indonesia when the big tsunami hit. 3 or 4 years later, I was in China when a big Earthquake hit. My friends have started calling me Mr. disaster, because I tend to vacation in Earthquake spots.

Where is your next vacation scheduled?

I’ll be in San Francisco in about 6 weeks.

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